Tag Archives: yoga

How Practicing Yoga Can Help with a Brain Injury

Many people know the major benefits of yoga, like helping reduce depression and stress and boost immunity. It can also help in physical ways as well, such as reducing back pain, relieving tight or sore muscles and soothing aching joints. What about helping with a brain injury though? Many times, people who undergo traumatic brain injury can be left with tightness throughout the body, a lack of balance or decreased mobility. These physical aspects are all things that yoga can help with. So what can practicing yoga do to further help you heal from a brain injury? Practicing Yoga with a Brain Injury Helps You… Focus on Your Abilities Rather …

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Yoga and its Potential Benefits for Brain Injury

Everyone knows yoga reduces stress, improves sleep and boosts immunity – but what those recovering from a brain injury? Can it help them too? According to loveyourbrain.org, 2.7 million people suffer from brain injuries every year. And if the injury is not debilitating enough, the involved in rehabilitation can be. Yoga has long been a source of therapy for depression, back pain, sciatica and now brain injury. Brain injuries leave most with decreased mobility, rigid muscles, and trouble with balance. The effects of a traumatic brain injury do not end there. Beyond the physical limitations, there are also emotional and mental challenges that are associated with brain injuries. These hurdles …

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