It is with friends, such as Dr. Edwin Richter, that Brain Injury Society has grown and become a viable force in assistance with recovery of the brain injured population. Brain Injury Society has now opened a Manhattan office in the medical complex of Edwin F. Richter MD in: Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine for consultation, 400 East 34th Street, Room RR 119, New York, New York 10016. Advocacy, counseling, and support will be held at 19 W 34rd St, Penthouse Suite, Manhattan NY. Available to you will be Kayla Menucha Fogel, BS, SDS, Founder and President of Brain Injury Society.

Programs available at this office: Medicaid Waiver Programs and Patient Advocacy. Hours are by appointment only. With this cooperation, Brain Injury Society will continue to assist the brain injured population. Often, they do not know about programs available to them that they are eligible for. It is with your assistance with donations or by volunteering for our education, support, social events that will we continue to grow and be a positive force in the recovery of individuals affected by brain injuries and their families.

Call our Executive President Menucha Fogel at 718 645-4401 for more information and to make an appointment.

The Executive, Community, and Medical Boards congratulate our Founder and Executive President, Kayla Menucha Fogel. Kayla Menucha has decided to return to school and has chosen New York University School of Social Work for her graduate degree. She is an inspiration and breathe of fresh air to those who are seeking a way up.