Tag Archives: brain injuries

Emotional Affects of Brain Injury

It can be incredibly difficult to understand a traumatic brain injury if you’ve never experienced one first-hand. Not only can brain injuries can affect a person’s thinking and memory, sensations and communication, but they can also play a role in emotional instability. Whether your injury was minor or severe, it could mean emotional fluctuations in some way or another. Emotional changes after a brain injury are not uncommon, and it’s important to have patience with those who fall victim in these situations. If you or a loved one does undergo a brain injury, prepare yourself for what may come. Though not everyone will experience these emotional fluctuations, it’s still important …

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Brain Injuries : A Few Things You Should Know

Traumatic brain injury. These are three of the most dramatic words in the English language. The brain is an incredibly important part your body. Without your brain, you can’t think, eat, have friends, or do much of anything. If your brain suffers a traumatic injury, you could permanently lose contact with your mind. Here are five things about traumatic brain injury that everyone should know. Brain injuries play a large role in the world, are frequent, and are often underreported. Every Brain Injury is Serious There are no mild brain injuries. That’s according to a recent research published in the journal Acta Neuropathologica. Researchers have found that many forms of …

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