Category Archives: Inspiration

What Steps Can You Take to Leading A Normal Life After Brain Injury?

When someone becomes the victim of a traumatic brain injury (TBI), his post-injury abilities and chances for a successful recovery will depend in great part on the severity and location of the injury. That’s because different areas of the brain are responsible for different functions. So, depending on where the brain has been injured, the victim could lose his sense of touch, hearing, ability to focus or balance, and even his personality could drastically change. A brain injury certainly can impact a person’s life in countless ways, but if the more than 3 million people in the United States who are living with a brain injury are any example, life …

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TBI and Memory Loss: Coping Strategies

Loss of memory is one of the most common symptoms associated with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), regardless of how the injury occurred. In fact, memory loss is one of the first symptoms to show, and one of the last to return. Fortunately though, if you’ve suffered from memory loss as a result of a traumatic brain injury, there are strategies you can use to successfully manage it. First, however, a distinction should be made between the types of memory, and which is the most problematic after a traumatic brain injury. Types of Memory Our memories work via a system of encoding (processing), storage and recall. The most personal type …

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